Safe Environment

The Office of Safe Environment is required by the USCCB Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People to provide important information via bulletin/newsletter announcements to the community as it pertains to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and vulnerable adults.

Safe Environment Requirements
The Diocese of Salt Lake City Office of Safe Environment is committed to the protection of children, youth, and vulnerable adults. All employees and volunteers wishing to work with minors or vulnerable adults must be safe environment certified. For information, please review the Diocese Safe Environment website at: Involvement and communication are important factors in helping to ensure safe environments for all of our children. Please contact the parish/school SEC at (Contact name & Contact Information) or email the Office of Safe Environment at with questions.

Help Create a Safe Environment
Get Involved. Parents and guardians play a key role in the success of parish programs for young people. Parents and guardians who are involved in parish programs and events will be in the best position to protect their own children as well as all the children in the parish community. Involvement and communication are important factors in helping to ensure safe environments for all of our children. Please contact the parish/school SEC at (Contact name & Contact Information) or email the Office of Safe Environment at with questions.

Safe Environment Certification
DID YOU KNOW? The Diocese of Salt Lake City requires all adults (<18) and youth minors (12 to 17) in contact (with or around) minors and vulnerable adults in our parishes and schools to complete trainings and background checks. Recertification of these trainings and background checks are every 3 years for adults, and every year for youth minors. This is just one of the efforts undertaken by our diocese to protect our children and vulnerable adults. For more information about child safety in the Diocese of Salt Lake City, visit

Safe Environment Codes of Conduct
DID YOU KNOW? The Diocese of Salt Lake City has established Codes of Conduct for adults and youth minors, which require all priests, seminarians, deacons, religious, educators, employees, and volunteers who work or volunteer at diocesan parishes, schools, or organizations to exhibit the highest ethical standards, accountability, personal integrity, and appropriate conduct and boundaries when working with minors and vulnerable adults. The Codes of Conduct are intended to promote responsible behavior and Christian values while creating a nurturing and safe environment. For further information, visit environment.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
The month of April is designated as Child Abuse Prevention Month in the United States. The Diocese of Salt Lake City Office of Safe Environment provides child safety articles, parent guides, and other helpful information about child protection on its website. For more information, please visit during April and share this information with others.

Keep Kids Safe – Children’s Circle of Grace Training
Did you know? The Diocese of Salt Lake City requires all children enrolled in a parish faith formation program, youth ministry or Catholic school be taught the age-appropriate Circle of Grace curriculum each year. This training educates and empowers children and youth to actively participate in a safe environment for themselves and others. Children and youth will understand they are created by God and live in the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Safe Environment Training
Did you know? The Diocese of Salt Lake City requires all those who are in contact (with or around) children and youth in our parishes and schools to complete safe environment training. This training teaches adults to recognize, and report suspected abuse, reviews our Codes of Conduct and the Safe Environment Program Manual. Access the training here

Safe Environment Background Check Screening
Did you know? The Diocese of Salt Lake City requires all adults (>18) who are in contact (with or around) children and youth or vulnerable adults in our parishes and schools to complete a background check as part of the Safe Environment Certification. This is just one of the efforts undertaken by our diocese to protect children! Please contact the parish/school SEC at (Contact name & Contact Information) or email the Office of Safe Environment at with questions.

Safe Environment – Utah Child Abuse Reporting Requirements
Did you know? In Utah, it is the responsibility of all adults as mandatory reporters (not just doctors, school counselors, therapists, ministers, etc.) to report suspected abuse or neglect of a minor (a child under the age of 18) to the nearest office of Child and Family Services (855-323-3237), a peace officer, or a law enforcement agency. Failure to report suspected abuse or neglect is a class b misdemeanor. Abuse, neglect, or dependency of a child can be physical, emotional, or sexual. Learn more here

Safe Environment – Boundaries in Ministry
Boundaries are limits–lines that should not be crossed. Maintaining boundaries protects minors and vulnerable adults as well as adults. Adults can maintain clear boundaries by:

  • Expressing affection in appropriate ways
  • Communicating carefully
  • Using technology safely

Review the Diocese of Salt Lake City Office of Safe Environment Program Manual for more information on proper boundaries, codes of conduct, and proper use of technology and digital communication.

Keep Kids Safe- Report Suspicions
Be alert to situations in which you observe potentially inappropriate behavior between an adult and a child. Be aware of warning signs that may indicate that a child is being abused, and do not delay in reporting any suspicions.

If you observe or have reason to believe that a child, young person or vulnerable adult has been subjected to abuse by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Salt Lake City, you must report the alleged abuse to local law enforcement and state agencies (, and you must notify the Diocesan Office of Safe Environment at 801-328-8641, x344.

Safe Environment – Prayer for Victims of Abuse
Sadly, in the United States, 1 in 10 males and 2 in 10 females report having been sexually abused as a child. Praying for victims of child abuse is something we all can do to support those who were abused. Find the Prayer for Healing here environment/prayers-for-healing

Safe Environment – Assistance for Victims of Abuse
The Office for Safe Environment provides support, promotes healing, and supports the emotional and spiritual well-being of survivors of sexual abuse in the Church. The Office also seeks to be a source of comfort and support for anyone who is a survivor of sexual abuse in any walk of life. If you are a victim of abuse by someone representing the Catholic Church, we encourage you to contact the Director of the Office of Safe Environment at or call 801-328-8641 Ext. 344.